Blogging, Vlogging, and Spontaneous Video… Oh My!
Blogging, Vlogging, and Spontaneous Video... Oh My! One of the most interesting aspects of the growth of citizen journalism is seeing how it changed as technological advancements were made, and in turn, how the surge of citizen journalism pushed technology to keep up with the number of users around the world. Though citizen journalism dates even further than wartime letters sent back home from soldier s to family describing their firsthand experiences during World War I; blogging, vlogging, and spontaneous video have dramatically shifted the way we receive and perceive news. Credibility is an interesting debate I have read into when trying to learn more about our role as citizens or journalists to report. It would make sense for us to trust the most experienced professionals who have mastered journalistic skills, but there is a current outcry against the legitimacy of prominent media outlets. The “fake news” media platforms like CNN and Fox News have suffering reputations. Both platfor...